What does the future for security look like?

25 Oct What does the future for security look like?

Today, security measures are largely constrained by limitations. Many businesses rely on their employees to ensure their premises are secure by using methods such as key cards, PINS and passwords. These safety measures are increasingly at risk of sophisticated hackers, which could, potentially, cost companies thousands – especially if personal data is stolen. As such, many company owners and stakeholders are looking for new and reliable security solutions to ensure their businesses are properly protected, and we are sharing what the future of business security looks like for those companies.

fingerprint biometrics


Biometric authentication has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, providing us with access to our banking, phones, buildings and other day to day uses. As technology industries pave the way for biometrics security, we expect to see many more companies adopt the technology. Gone are the days when many believed biometrics security systems to be incredibly complex and difficult to install, with the global biometrics market growing at a staggering rate of 17.41% for the forecast period of 2018-2026.

As a method of single-factor authentication, biometric identification is the safest method for protecting your business, or assets. The reason is because biometrics are intricately linked to the individual. The data recorded and stored is unique to one person and cannot be replicated. There are many types of authentication available for business security systems, but fingerprint scanners stand as the most popular.

Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, there’s no doubt about that. However, it would take a truly incredible amount of sophisticated hacking to recreate someone’s fingerprint from the algorithms and encryptions used when capturing biometric data..With biometric access control, you can have peace of mind you are using one of the best security solutions on the market. There are also many other advantages to implementing biometric authentication, which you can read here.

Changing attitudes towards biometric security systems has already begun due to the increased use of security solutions. For instance, the healthcare industry is adopting the technology to safeguard patients and employees, and ensure only those with certain permissions can access sensitive information. Similarly, airports are trialling biometric authentication for passengers to speed up the process of checking in travellers and minimising the risk of terrorism.

Passive biometrics

As we move into an increasingly digital age, the passive biometrics industry is expected to grow also. Passive biometrics differs somewhat to biometric readers, where the users do not need to be informed about the process of identification as the technology solely relies on their behavioural characteristics. Passive biometrics will analyse characteristics – such as their web scrolling behaviour (arrow keys, scrolling up and down) or even the technique for holding a device – and grant user permissions based on that information. While passive biometrics is yet to become mainstream for business security, it is more common than many realise. Everyday devices, such as Fitbits, smartwatches or heart rate monitors, are examples of data collecting, recording characteristics unique to the individual for different purposes.

Passive biometrics certainly does help to strengthen business security solutions, but it should not be used alone. Physical security is just as paramount as digital security. Many companies place all of their focus on securing their digital database and tend to forget about other methods of security. Letting the latter slide could cause more damage, especially for businesses in high-risk industries.

Air defence

Speaking of physical security, the future for businesses in high-risk industries must include an element of air defence. The increasing risk of drone attacks is one many companies may not fully comprehend, but drone technology can play a substantial part in breaching defences. Take, for instance, the events at HMP Pentonville, in which drones were seized carrying contraband, and you can see the increasing risk of drones. Implementing security procedures, such as motion sensors and perimeter defence systems, alongside the likes of biometric security solutions can substantially reduce those dangers.

drone attacks security threat

Two-factor authentication

Most businesses will be familiar with two-factor authentication – particularly if they use the likes of Google, Facebook or Twitter. Two-factor authentication is used to identify and verify an individual. In addition to a password, the individual will be asked to provide a second piece of information. While these types of authentication are widely used in the digital sphere, they can substantially enhance physical security.

Many biometric security systems – including the ievo reader products – can be used in conjunction with other methods of entry, thus reducing the risk of breaches completely. This multi-factor authentication can greatly protect those companies in high-risk industries – such as banking – by asking employees to provide their fingerprint, along with entering a particular PIN code to access specific areas and or sensitive information. Simply by implementing the second form of identification, you can lower the probability of a hacker gaining access to your business and systems. If an employee loses their key card, for instance, the two-factor authentication provides the time to remedy the issue.


Biometric authentication has significantly raised the level of security for many industries. As such, large corporations and even Governments have been aggressively funding the sector to further enhance security, and integrate the technology with the likes of AI. For instance, the physical biometric traits – such as fingerprints – are transformed into a code that is understandable by the AI system. There have been some developments in this sector with voice biometrics combined with AI in a bid to directly communicate with chatbots up to the emotional level of understanding, so those phoning their bank, for example, receive a high level of service. This integration will also reduce the need for human operators and will help to reduce data leaks.

As security becomes an ever-pressing concern for all companies, we will soon see the number of security solutions expand – with biometrics technology right at the forefront.

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