ievo desktop registration unit driver updates

25 May ievo desktop registration unit driver updates

We have updated our software drivers for the ievo range of desktop registration units.
The update now consists of a digital signature allowing Windows to verify the authenticity of the software making installation simpler and more user-friendly.

No action is required for existing installations but for future installations, you can now install the drivers for the Black, Silver and Micro registration units by running a single setup file dependent upon your operating system (32bit or 64bit).

Customers and clients operating the Blue ievo registration unit will require a different driver as it uses a streaming service (which has also been updated with a digital signature).

New drivers have been uploaded to the ievo website support areas, please navigate the software download form to gain access to the required software.

Should you have any concerns or questions please contact us.

Thank you,
ievo Technical Support Team
+44 (0)191 296 3623

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